Sunday, 10 April 2016

How to draw a realistic eyes??

Do you enjoy drawing faces but have trouble making the eyes look realistic? Read on to learn how to draw a realistic human eye.?

Make layout with an ordinary pencil (2b) and draw the outline of the eyelid and eye hole. Make sure your layout should be perfect as realistic eye shape! 

Now change to a darker pencil. You can use 5b, 6b or any darker pencil. You start of by drawing iris -its not necessarily to draw a full perfect circle.

Simply make half circle but remember that pupil should be close to the centre of the eye. The iris doesn't have to be at the centre of the eye.  

Now make a reflection, it's not necessary but reflection gives you realistic effects. 

Then if you've done a reflection, you need to shade darkly around that.

 Once you've done that, shade the top a bit more lightly and carry on until the corner so it looks a bit like a slanted triangle.

Change back to an ordinary pencil if you used a                differentone and underneath the shaded part under the reflection,do part of the iris.

 Don't do it in little section, draw it lightly in quick long strokes and go over them. 

 You may not be able to tell because of the picture quality but next to that you need to draw a smaller part of iris around the inside edge of it, but use the technique of moving the pencil in different directions - don't just shade up and down or side to side, make it look neat, but messy.

Add some eyelashes. Draw really small rounded of 
lines along the bottom of the eye for the lashes at
 the bottom and longer lines at the top for the longer eyelashes.

They should be the same height at the eyelid, but you can do them longer if you want. For a better look, add light shading to around the eyelid area, simple light sketches from left to right and on the left had corner of the eye.

Follow this basic steps as I mentioned above and update me as if it is useful for you or not. 

Always remember one thing shading should be perfect otherwise it won't satisfied you. 

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